Thousand Oaks
The design/build construction project at Thousand Oaks incorporated the renovation of the existing restaurant/pro shop and a 25,000 sq. ft. expansion of the existing banquet facility. A geothermal loop field, complete with forty-five (45) vertical bores, was installed under the new parking lot. The existing mechanical system was eliminated and twenty-three (23) geothermal water source heat pumps were installed to provide heating and cooling needs to the space. Eight (8) of the geothermal water source heat pumps also serve the domestic hot water, perimeter radiation, and snowmelt systems. Twelve (12) energy recovery units serve the building's ventilation air and exhaust requirements. Three (3) walk-in cooler/freezer boxes and refrigeration were installed for the expanded needs of the kitchen. The system was designed and constructed to meet LEED certification.